So, you've decided you want to become a magical girl. Just like a normal job, not everyone is cut out for it, and you need to make sure you're the right person to do it. Even though this site is all cutesy and pink, that's not what being a magical girl is about (though liking it is definitely a plus!) This is a dangerous job for most, and no amount of scripting will save your life once you get caught up in a death game or you come face to face with a witch you weren't prepared for. You need dedication, courage, integrity and above all, the desire to do good.

Who can become one?

This is an easy question with an easy answer: Anyone with a magical girl's destiny! You can change your destiny to be that of a magical girl's if you want to, but it'll only work if that's what you're meant to be. This isn't like other Mythical types; if you just aren't cut out for it, then you won't be able to get there.

If you want to become a magical girl, you don't need to be "pure of heart" or whatever, but you need to be kind. You must be kind to everyone who gives you the opportunity to be. Kindness is the most important part of being a magical girl. Even outside of being one, you owe respect and kindness to strangers, to your friends, to everyone around you. You need to take this to heart if you want to be a true magical girl. The recent epidemic of cruelty to those around you is harmful to everyone, and is the antethesis of what it means to help others. Practice kidness, not empathy, and you will not only feel bettter about yourself in general, but you'll be one step closer to a magical girl's destiny.

As a superhero, your goal is to help others. You can't be a hero without this kindness, but you need the desire to uplift others, even if they've done nothing for you. A magical girl is a symbol of hope and of safety. You're facing the world in your frilly pink dress and saying "I will help you". What kind of hero would you be if you couldn't say that? Magical girls in media are role models for little girls. You're here to be a role model, and you need to practice that same love and righteousness that you express to the rest of the world, even if you perform your work in the shadows.

You need to be a good person if you want to be a magical girl. Express love and hope for everyone around you because that's what being a magical girl is all about. You'll probably need to unlearn a few bad mentalities to get there, and that's a very difficult thing to do. If all you can do is smile at a stranger, that's one step forward. If no one has ever said it, I'm proud of you for trying to be better, and I have faith that you'll make it.

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